Dear Connected!
The exploratory drilling for the column has been completed. Ein Team einer Baugrunderkennungsgesellschaft hat die Arbeiten bis in 8 Meter Tiefe ausgeführt und Bodenproben genommen. Begleitet wurden sie dabei vom Kampfmittelräumdienst. Eine gute Nachricht – der Boden scheint ausreichend stabil und die Säule wird so später nicht zu einer schiefen Säule von Rahlstedt. Auch wenn das ja vielleicht ganz amüsant geworden wäre. Man plant heutzutage aber alles ganz ordentlich und Macken wird es mit der Zeit sicher sowieso geben, aber eben keine schiefe Säule. Die letzten Auswertungen der Bodenproben stehen allerdings noch aus.
At the opening of the Rahlstedter Kulturwochen in the atrium of the GyRa, everything that has status and reputation met here. So I had the opportunity to speak again with Aydan Oezuguz, the Vice President of the German Bundestag, who offered to participate financially and ideally in the project. She had already visited our artist house in the summer of 2021 and informed herself in detail about the pillar of connectedness. We are curious about their commitment.
Unfortunately, a brief conversation with the Wandsbek District Office Manager, Mr. Ritzenhoff, did not go quite as satisfactorily. In a first online meeting in spring 2021, we discussed the takeover of the pillar by the district in a larger group. I assumed and still hope that the city will accept the column as a gift and with it the running costs for electricity, maintenance and care. In the first official statements, however, the District Authority now says that this is out of the question simply because of the obligation to ensure traffic safety. It is feared that the pillar could be an invitation to climb. However, all planning for the construction was explicitly aimed at preventing this from the start. I hope the Authority will be convinced of what a benefit the pillar will be for the district and for the whole of Hamburg.